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100擁有經典的外觀、聲音和感覺的Les Paul
Les Paul 100
The Les Paul 100 is a superb instrument for players looking for an affordable but reliable electric guitar that has the classic look, sound and feel of a Les Paul. The Les Paul 100 is cut to the same specs as Les' 1952 original and has everything new and professional guitarists look for in a quality instrument.
As with all Epiphones, the Les Paul 100 comes with our world famous Limited Lifetime Warranty and Gibson 24/7/365 Customer Service. What are you waiting for? Pick up a Les Paul 100 and make your own history today!
As with all Epiphones, the Les Paul 100 comes with our world famous Limited Lifetime Warranty and Gibson 24/7/365 Customer Service. What are you waiting for? Pick up a Les Paul 100 and make your own history today!
資料來源:MOMO購物中心 - 【Epiphone】學生經典款Les Pau電吉他 原廠公司貨(LP100)